This site has been maintained by Dr. Jack Wolcott since 1996 to provide easy access to useful sites throughout the world. Links on the site are verified often; however, links come and go with alarming frequency. Valuable sites may be taken down without forwarding links; sites are abandoned but left active for years without updating. Many college and university libraries have restricted access where once their catalog and collection links were available to all. What started life as Theatre History on the Web, perhaps now more appropriately called Theatre Resources on the Web for it includes links to other theatre-related materials as well, is divided into three sections. Historical Periods lists resources by loosly defined historical epochs. A second section provides links to museums, libraries and centers and contains a section of historical and theatre production projects from the early days of desk-top computing. The third section, while historical in flavor, provides links to materials useful to scenic and lighting designers, to costumers and to others seeking links to design materials.
This site is sponsored by VideOccasions, a Bellevue Washington video production company, as a service to the academic community. VideOccasions works closely with the Seattle arts community, especially with theatre production and performance arts.
Please support the continued growth of the site by adding to the link collection. Your suggestions are welcomed.